Present: M. Jones, K. Dalton-Aram, M. Hansell, A. Dicks, A. Moore, J. Tollafield
Apologies: R. Moore, J.Parsons, M. Dalton-Aram
Minutes: The minutes of the 43rd AGM having been given to each committee member, were signed as being correct.
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Chairman’s Report: The year has flown by once again and very little has changed from last year ….as April will report. Thank you to all those involved in the continuing repairs, improvements and maintenance of the building.
Also, thanks to those of you who support hall fund raising events but, if you can’t make it please ask someone else to represent you and please encourage your friends and neighbours to support all village events. Could you all remind your secretaries to book the hall or committee room in plenty of time and let us know if they are cancelling or changing a date to avoid double bookings. We have lots of caravan clubs using the hall which locals will not be aware of.
Secretary’s Report: The refurbishment of the committee room was completed with the installation of a projector screen above the fireplace, and refurbishment of the kitchen will be completed when the shelf below the hatch is tiled. The poor condition of the main hall floor has greatly restricted the use of the room and three dance groups have been turned away. However, once it is restored it is anticipated that hire of the room will increase, which will enhance income. Work will commence to replace the floor in the very near future, pending listed building consent being granted. The hall and committee room is used regularly by spinners and an art group, as well as the social club. Caravan rallies also contribute considerably. As always, a very big thank you to Sylvia for mowing the grass and Martin for spraying the weeds.
Treasurer’s Report: I am pleased to present the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017. There has been an increase in revenue from hall hire and a decent year-end gain considering that due to Easter timings, there were only three jumble sales in the financial year. The electricity payments in this year were a lot less than last year but this was due to underestimated bills over winter. We will soon receive a catch-up invoice of around £1,200 but as the social club pay half this means, in real terms, the year gain should be around £1,100. During the year the flat roof was repaired but this was paid for by the Parish Council from a grant so does not appear in the accounts. Also, the kitchen was refurbished at a cost of £901.20 but we received £610 from the Parish Council, again from the grant they obtained from the district councillor. We have now received another grant to pay for the car park walls to be repaired as well as the low wall along the road and Tony Young should be starting work on this soon. Listed building consent for the new floor in the main room has been applied for – the total cost will be approximately £4,500 – we will pay one third, the Parish Council will pay one third and the Parish Council have obtained another grant for the remaining one third so we will have a bill of approximately £1,500 to pay in the coming year. The Parish Council are also looking into repairing the car park and entrance way tarmac (the car park is owned by the Parish Council). For the future, we need to bear in mind that we will soon need to have the west and east facing window frames repaired and repainted. I’d like to thank Mary H and Eddie Brown for all their hard work on the grant applications which have been very successful.
The Accounts: Were discussed and adopted (proposed M. Jones, seconded J.Tollafield)
Election of Village Reps:
Rousdon: A. Dicks – proposed A. Moore seconded K. Dalton-Aram
Combpyne: A. Moore – proposed A. Dicks seconded M. Jones
Co-opted Members: K. Dalton-Aram
AOB: None
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 8.38pm