Present: A. Dicks, A. Moore, J. Tollafield, C. Ronan, K. Dalton-Aram, S. Stride, K. Wallis, M. Hansell.
In attendance: John Rose, Rousdon Owners And Residents Association (ROAR).
Welcome & Apologies: J. Parsons, M. Down.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee meeting and thanked them for attending.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2019 had been previously circulated. Kate read them out to refresh memories. They were agreed as being correct and signed.
Matters Arising:
(1) Website progress: Mr Rose had asked to attend the meeting to discuss communications between the Estate and the village and the lack of awareness of what was happening in the village and on the Estate. He explained that this had arisen following a conversation last year between him and Kate. John said that village residents were welcome to walk down the main drive and along the bridle path. However, he explained that people staying at the caravan site, the Dower House and Orchard House often came on to the Estate too, with their dogs. He said that Estate residents have to pay for all the Estate maintenance and upkeep. There are two events held each year on the Estate, the carol service and the BBQ. The carol service is limited by space as it is held in an inner courtyard and is always very well attended by residents and holidaymakers staying on the Estate. Originally, the BBQ was for residents only but in recent years people from the villages have been attending as guests of residents. John said that although he had been living on the Estate for almost 20 years he was unaware of the Trustees Committee and didn’t know that the Social Club was a separate entity. He said that the ROAR Social Committee was not aware of all the events that take place in the hall, and those that it does know of are always publicised on the Estate’s What’s On newsletter.
April explained that some events are private functions.
Kate said that she has been asking for publication of events for some considerable time. She suggested that someone, probably a member of the Parish Council, should collate email addresses of those who would like to be notified of forthcoming events so that an events list could be sent out by email.
John said that the ROAR website had not been maintained for some time but appears not to have been missed.
Audrey said that there used to be a village newsletter, compiled by Graham Jones. When he relinquished responsibility, Audrey produced a single sheet “what’s on” like the estate’s and delivered it to every household asking them to let her know if they would like the next one – nobody replied!
A discussion ensued about the benefits of a Parish newsletter – Kate said that for people in the Parish, a newsletter was needed and for people outside the parish a website was needed.
There was a brief discussion about holding emails (as personal data) and the implication of data protection, and General Data Protection Regulations. Kate said consent was not needed. Mary said that there were different opinions as to when consent was and was not needed and that it had not been tested in a court of law.
April produced a spreadsheet depicting events taking place in February and said that it could be displayed on the notice board.
Sylvia suggested that it would be useful if the telephone numbers of those holding events could be shown.
April said that if those people hosting public events are happy for their phone numbers to be listed, then she will show them.
Kate said that in relation to the website, there was only really a need for three pages: a ‘Welcome’ page; a ‘What’s On’ page and a ‘Cost of Hiring’ page.
April said that Eddie Browne (former Parish Clerk) had purchased a domain name but was uncertain if he was still in possession of it. She said that she was happy to put a list of events happening each month on the notice board in the foyer.
Action: April
Mary volunteered to contact Eddie to find out who he registered the domain name with and how we can access it.
Action: Mary
Sylvia said she would liaise with Jan Jones and ask that something goes in the Estate’s next ‘What’s On’ telling people to give their email addresses to Committee members if they wished to receive each month a list of events happening in the hall.
Action: Sylvia
(2) Insurance: clarification of committee cover: Insurance cover for committees: clarification of circumstances when there is no cover – still outstanding
Action: Kate
(3) Disabled access ramp at rear: Tony Young will undertake the work when the weather has significantly improved – still outstanding.
Action: April
(4) New chairs: 20 chairs have been purchased.
(5)(i) External lighting: April has been in discussions with an electrician for a quote and will pass this to the Parish Council as soon as it has been provided – still outstanding
Action: April/Audrey
(5)(ii) Governing Document – updating of: Kate said it was important that the Governing Document was updated. April explained that fundamentally it was satisfactory. Ongoing.
Action: ??
Kate said that April and Audrey do a large amount of work in the hall that could be shared. Both April and Audrey said that sharing responsibilities had been tried in the past but had not been very successful and it was easier to do it themselves.
Kate stressed that we were all equally responsible for running the hall so we need to have better communications amongst committee members. For example, two storage containers had appeared in the rear courtyard. April explained that these were for storage of Taekwondo equipment.
Kate said that we needed more meetings – at least one every quarter – as the committee needed to know what was going on, even in terms of routine maintenance.
Mary said that she trusted April and Audrey to refer matters to the other committee members when it was necessary.
(5)(iii) Defib public notices: A notice had been put in the ladies toilet window making it visible from the car park. It was noted that no-one would know that it was there unless the notices were prominent. Mary said that the Estate defib was registered with SW Ambulance Service so that if someone dialled 999 and a suspected cardiac arrest was occurring on the Estate, then the ambulance service would direct the caller to the defib. Mary said that she would forward registration details to Audrey – it required weekly checks to be done on the defib and a very short proforma report needed to be submitted every month.
Action: Mary
6(i) Roof repairs: the repairs were being undertaken now.
6(ii) New post for banners: a new post had been erected.
Correspondence Received: Mary has received an email from Sara, today, 23 January, stating that she wished to stand down from the Committee. Mary has thanked Sara for all the support she had given the committee in past years.
April has received a letter from the spinners thanking her for the new chairs.
April has received a letter from Pinhay House. They are currently updating their Health and Safety requirements. They need a refuge to move residents to in case of an emergency, such as a fire, and the need arises to evacuate the premises. They want to use Peek Hall as an emergency refuge. It was agreed and Kate offered to hold a key as she lives in very close proximity.
April has received a cheque for approximately £5, from Amazon Smile.
Secretary’s Report: Nothing further to report.
Treasurer’s Report: Deposit account: £5,661; current account: £22,000. These figures are approximate as no recent statement has been received. Bookings were good. Nothing further to report.
(i) Garage/Store room – in need of clearance and defined areas for different users: Audrey said that there has been a recent tidy up. The right hand side is all Social Club equipment and the left hand side is V.E.R.A. equipment and jumble. Kate said some shelving might be useful. Mary suggested Big Dug shelving, comes in different sizes and weight bearing ability. April suggested a meeting in daylight to determine what is needed. 10am Sunday 26th January agreed.
Action: Audrey/April/Kate
(ii) Electric car charge point: Clair suggested this might be a useful commodity. April said that the car park was the responsibility of the Parish Council so should be put before them to explore. Apparently public charging points are paid for by means of a smart phone app. Sylvia observed that if it was in the car park it may create additional problems of illegal parking.
(iii) New representative from V.E.R.A.: Kate asked if another representative was necessary. April said no.
(iv) Window surrounds in main hall in need of cleaning/painting: Sylvia raised the issue of the need for remedial work. 10.30am Saturday 28th March agreed.
Action: All
(v) Risk assessment due to be undertaken: April said the annual risk assessment was due. She asked Kate if she would like to undertake this as she has expressed a wish to be involved. Kate said she would like to do it with April – it will be done on Sunday 26th January.
Action: April/Kate
The committee was reminded that the next jumble sale was on Saturday 11 April at 2pm, setting up at 11am.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.37pm.