Present: A. Dicks, A. Moore, J. Tollafield, K. Dalton-Aram, M. Hansell, M. Down.
Welcome & Apologies: J. Parsons, C. Ronan, S. Stride, K. Wallis, K. Salter
The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee meeting and thanked them for attending.
Election of Representatives:
Chair: A. Dicks Proposer: K. Dalton-Aram, Seconder: A. Moore
Secretary: M. Hansell Proposer: A. Moore, Seconder: A. Dicks
Treasurer: A. Moore Proposer: M. Down, Seconder: J. Tollafield
The Clause 5 Rules of Management was then signed by each of those present.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2020 had been previously circulated. They were agreed as being correct and signed.
Matters Arising:
(1) Website progress: Website domain details – Clair said that she had had some training in website building and will endeavour to take this on. She will make enquiries as to whether the domain name can be reclaimed. Action: Clair
Email details re hall events – outstanding
Action: Sylvia
(2) Disabled access ramp at rear: installed
(3)(i) External lighting: light sensors repaired
(3)(ii) Governing Document – updating of:
(3)(iii) Defib – forward Audrey details of SWAS reporting system
3(iv) The garage/store room is gradually being cleared. Once cleared Big Dug shelving will be purchased.
Action: April/Audrey/Kate
(4) Health & Safety Review Martin and Audrey undertook a review when the premises re-opened. Everything highlighted in the previous review had been completed except (g) cabling to be clipped and (m) urn to be restrained by a chain.
Kettles in the kitchen have coiled leads.
Findings from most recent review:
- Toilet steps – hazard tape for steps (Agreed)
- Front door steps – hazard tape (Agreed)
- Notices re maximum number of chairs to be stacked (6 red chairs/4 fabric chairs) (Agreed)
- ‘Caution Hot’ signs for heaters in bar and committee room (Agreed)
- Eye wash in first aid box – done
Discharged - Check all items in First Aid Box are in date (Mary asked that it be noted that if she is bleeding to death she is happy for an out of date bandage to be used) – New box purchased and expiry dates of contents listed in H & S file in the kitchen.
Specific to the Social Club:
- gloves for picking up broken glass (Agreed)
- ‘Danger’ sign in skittle alley at the end of the ball chute – for returning balls (Agreed)
Correspondence Received: No correspondence received.
Secretary’s Report: Nothing further to report.
Treasurer’s Report: See AGM 23 July 2021
(i) Permission has been granted by the Parish Council for a chain/combination lock to be used to prevent unlawful access to the car park. It was agreed that a sign saying ‘Private’ should be hung from the chain. The chain would not be in use all the time, Kate suggested regular use e.g. every Sunday
Action: Martin
(ii) Tower update: Following the surveyor’s report, T. Young is undertaking repairs as detailed in the report. A cherry picker and a second person is needed to replace slipped tiles and remove vegetation from the chimneys. Kate has some spare tiles – April will asked Tony to liaise with Kate. Martin recommended some cherry picker providers – April will pass on details to Tony. It was agreed that £2K should be allowed to cover the cost of these repairs.
Action: April
(iii) Parish Map: The council have handed over two very old maps, one in a frame and the other ‘rolled. It was agreed that a place will be found in the hall to hang the framed map
Action: April
(v) Insurance valuation: April highlighted the fact that building costs have increased significantly and we will need to review our insurance when it comes up for renewal.
(vi) Gardening evening: Yard has been cleaned by April and Audrey, Martin has sprayed the weeds, car park needs a sweep.
Action: Kate (??)
(iv) Future work programme/purchases: The ‘wish list’ had been previously circulated.
- Heating: agreed that a new system would be beneficial. One option is air source heat pumps – Kate will liaise with 3 local companies for further information/quotes
Action: Kate
Infra red heating is used by the scout hut in Uplyme. It gives one hour of heating at a time, so easy to control. Mary and April will visit scout hut and find out more
Action: Mary & April
We may need a combination of heating types – something to maintain a minimum heat across the premises and another source to provide a ‘booster’ function.
April would like to buy British so that the money from the grants went back into the British economy wherever possible.
Kate advised that we would be entitled to a RHI grant if renewable heat was utilised, that requires us to pay ‘up front’ and claim back.
- Put glass in the skittle alley window where the obsolete fan is
- Fit a new door to the store room in the yard. Kate advised that, technically, we would need listed building consent. Timber doors would look very nice, but sloping ground makes it difficult to fit anything other than an up and over door. Bi-fold doors may be an option. Enquiries would be pursued.
Action: Audrey - New back gate
- New notice board in the front porch
- New curtains – the curtains in the hall and committee room cost in excess of £2k and are still in good condition so this was not deemed a priority at this moment in time.
- Improve disability access: as the building is listed there are certain caveats that apply. The premises is therefore legal.
- Cupboard doors above the disabled toilet to conceal storage area
- Acrylic splashbacks in the kitchen – kitchen was decorated relatively recently (circa 3 years) so not deemed a priority
A meeting will be held in September to discuss progress in these matters.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.22pm.