50th AGM of Peek Hall – 15th June 2023 at 7.30pm

Present:   A. Dicks, A. Moore, M. Hansell, M. Down, C. Ronan, K. Dalton-Aram, P. Bainton

Welcome & ApologiesThe Chair welcomed everyone to the 50th AGM and thanked them for attending. She extended a very warm welcome to Peter Bainton, who was in attendance to get an idea of what being a Trustee entailed.

Apologies received from: S. Stride, J. Tollafield (post the meeting, via email).

Audrey reported that she had seen Kathy Wallis and discussed her role as a Trustee. Kathy had decided that she wanted to stand down as she no longer worked in the village. Audrey had also seen Jan Parsons and discussed her role as a Trustee and Jan had said that she would like to remain a Trustee.

(Secretary’s note:  An email received from Jan on the 15th June post the meeting said that having had time to reflect and consider her role as a Trustee, she felt that given her age and health and her husband’s age and health, she thought it best that she stood down as a Trustee.)

Minutes: The minutes of the 49th AGM had been circulated prior to the meeting. They were agreed and were signed as being correct.

Matters Arising:  There were no matters arising.

Chair’s Report: “It’s been another successful year for the hall, with lots of teachers hiring the hall for various classes. I would like to thank Tony Young for always being at our beck and call, whenever the hall has a problem. Tony is not on the Committee, but he is always on hand for repair jobs. As always, April is a marvellous bookings’ Secretary and Mary keeps a wonderful record of the Minutes: thank you to you both.

Thank you to the rest of the Committee for being there and helping to keep the hall tidy . . .. Sylvia and Clair for cutting the grass and Martin for use of his sprayer.

That concludes my report.”

Secretary’s Report: “I have nothing specific to report but I would like to once again put on record my grateful thanks for all the work done behind the scenes with special thanks to Kathy for all the support she has given to the community as a Trustee and I wholeheartedly echo Audrey’s comments about the day to day management undertaken by April.”

Treasurer’s Report: The report had been previously circulated, as follows:

I am pleased to present the accounts for the year ending 31/03/23. On the face of it we made a loss of £14,427 but if we regard the £16,221 spent on new items (heating, cupboards and racking) as spending of our pandemic grants and just look at routine income and expenditure, we had a surplus of approximately £1,790. And this was in a year that we had our electrical inspection and our spending on repairs was higher than normal. There were four debts remaining from last year. I have written off three of them (totalling £194) as they are a lost cause. The remaining one is £58 for VERA which has just been paid. Going forward, my concern is that our electricity contract comes up for renewal at the end of this year and the new rate will certainly be a lot higher”.

Adoption of Accounts:  The accounts were adopted (proposed: K. Dalton-Aram, seconded: M. Down).

Election of Village Reps:  

Martin took over as Vice Chair: Village reps were proposed as follows:

Rousdon:         A. Dicks – proposed K. Dalton-Aram; seconded C. Ronan
Combpyne:      A. Moore – proposed C. Ronan, seconded M. Hansell

Unanimously agreed.

AOB:  There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.54pm.