Committee Meeting: Thursday 15th June 2023 immediately following the AGM

Present:   A. Dicks, A. Moore, M. Hansell, C. Ronan, M. Down, K. Dalton-Aram, P. Bainton

Welcome & Apologies: The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee meeting and thanked them for attending. She extended a very warm welcome to Peter Bainton.

Apologies received from: S. Stride, J. Tollafield (post the meeting, via email).

Election of Officers: The Chair (Audrey) the Treasurer (April) and the Secretary (Mary) were all elected en bloc. Proposed by K. Dalton-Aram, seconded by M. Down.

A discussion ensued regarding Trustees and who/what they represented. Kathy Wallis and Jan Parsons wished to step down (See AGM). Clair no longer sits on the Parish Council and the Wednesday Group and V.E.R.A. have both been dissolved. Peter agreed to become a Social Club Rep (in lieu of Kathy); Jill T. becomes a Rousdon Estate rep; Clair and Kate become co-opted members.

The Clause 5 Rules of Management were then signed by all of those present.

Minutes:   The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd January 2023 had been previously circulated. These were agreed as being correct and signed.

Matters Arising: 

­(i) Gate at the front entrance:  an earlier H & S review highlighted the need for something across the gateway on to the pavement/road. Sylvia had obtained a quote from Axminster engineering, circa £400.  Martin suggested staggered posts would be adequate, but it was thought this may make it difficult to get through with a lawnmower. Kate suggested a timber gate might be cheaper and will obtain a quote.
Action: Kate

(ii) Marion Lea memorial bench: purchased at cost of £300 – April to be re-imbursed. A discussion ensued as to where it should be sited: less likely to be stolen from rear courtyard; it will get more use sited in the courtyard, all agreed the courtyard was best location.

(iii) V.E.R.A. rent arrears paid.

(iv) V.E.R.A. kindly presented a cheque for half the cost of the garage shelving.

From earlier meetings:

Governing Document – the document needs to be updated but it is the hall’s “deeds”. However, the Trustees are entitled to make minor changes to some clauses without the need to involve a solicitor or the Charity Commission. April will arrange for copies to be made for all Trustees and a meeting will be held specifically to look at the document and the Notes for Guidance, which will also need to be updated.
Action: April/All      

Garage/storeroom clearance: disposal of ‘sweet trolley’- Emma Young will try and sell it, April to pursue!
Action: April

Tower repairs:  The Bucknall Partnership will commence work imminently (this month). April informed the meeting that during the winter another problem came to notice: lead/wood/brickwork lower down the spire requires attention, Tony currently sticking mastic to mastic. Mr Bucknall will be asked to see what repairs are needed.

Furthermore, it has come to notice that the lightening conductor does not go as far as the weather vane. Two quotes have been obtained, one from a company recommended by Mr Bucknall, £589 plus VAT, the other from A.C. Woolbridge, £535 plus VAT. Given there is little difference it was agreed that the company known to Mr Bucknall will be instructed to provide a new conductor.
Action: April

New garage doors The person who had originally agreed to do this work is now not able to do so. A new supplier will be found and a quote obtained.
Action: Audrey

Website improvements: now updated, enquiries can be made through it, Minutes to be added in due course.

Detritus in front garden area: Much has been removed, great improvement.

Darts stands needed: Martin advised that the 4” x 2” wood is no longer needed and will be removed. The ‘flat boards’ belong to Lyme Darts who will be asked to move them.
Action: Martin

Need for smoke alarm:  April to make enquiries of Fire Service
Action: April

Correspondence Received:  April reported that Devon Community Buildings (DCB) had sent a survey about use which she had completed and the hall was now in a draw for a cash prize. Photos of the interior of the hall had been taken but permission required to reproduce them, all agreed this was acceptable. DCB are looking at all village halls in the county to see what facilities they have, what may be useful e.g. a community post office; internet hub; GP appointment facility; ‘Community Fridge’ (for unwanted food) etc.

Secretary’s Report: Nothing further to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  As at 09 May 2023 (the most recent bank statement) funds were as follows:

Current account: £18,287.32
Deposit account: £23,168.70


(i) Review of hire charges: current charges are £5 per hour hall; £3 per hour committee room, with minimum hire of 3 hours. Regular hirers have a concession rate, £1 less per three hour hire. April suggested an increase of £1 per hiring, for all hirers and the charges will be reviewed in the new year when the electricity contract is renewed. Proposed: April, seconded: Kate, all agreed.

(ii) Painting/staining of new cupboards in hall: hall users had been canvassed and all had different ideas. A short discussion ensued and it was agreed that the cupboards will be painted (same colour as panelling in Social Club). Tony will be asked to undertake.
Action: April

(iii) Skittle alley window: an old vent needs to be removed and a new pane of glass fitted. Tony will be asked to undertake.
Action: April

(iv) Rear corridor flat roof: requires attention, once spire costs are fully known.

(v) Remove old heating pipes: the wall heaters have been removed. Now that we are satisfied that the new heating is adequate, pipes and caging can be removed. A brief discussion ensued – the pipes are part of the character of the building, the caging attracts dirt and dust and makes cleaning difficult. It was agreed that the caging can be removed and the pipework retained.
Action: April

(vi) H & S/Fire risk review: review due, Kate and Peter will undertake.
Action: Kate/Peter

(vii) Equality in Village Halls – statement of intent: templates are available, April will complete.
Action: April

(viii) Safeguarding policy: templates are available, April will complete.
Action: April

(ix) Electric sockets Committee room: there is a dearth of sockets, the electrician will be asked to add some double sockets.
Action: April

(x) Window frames: the internal frames are mouldy and need to be washed and double glazing taken down and cleaned. Mary and April will undertake.
Action: Mary/April

(xi) Garden tidy: General tidy up of exterior grounds needed: Thursday 29th June, 6.30pm.
Action: All

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.04pm.