Present: A. Dicks, A. Moore, C. Ronan, K. Dalton-Aram, M. Hansell
Welcome & Apologies: M. Down, S. Stride, J. Tollafield
The Chair welcomed everyone to the 47th AGM and thanked them for attending.
Minutes: The minutes of the 46th AGM had been circulated prior to the meeting. They were agreed and were signed as being correct.
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Chair’s Report: “I have nothing specific to report. The year has flown in spite of lockdown. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the running of the hall.”
Secretary’s Report: “I have nothing specific to report but I would like to once again put on record my grateful thanks for all the work done behind the scenes with special thanks to Clair for cutting the grass – it is much appreciated.”
Treasurer’s Report: The report had been previously circulated, as follows:“I am pleased to present the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2020. Sadly, Graham Jones, recently passed away. For many years he has been our independent examiner (along with Robert Astin) for the Peek Hall accounts. These accounts have been examined by Robert Astin. The balance sheet shows a gain in the year of £4,121.90 but this figure includes a grant of £3,000 from the council towards the outside painting – £1,900 was paid to AD Young in the previous year (to 31/03/19) and a further £1,600 paid early in this accounting year. Nevertheless, there was a reasonable gain this year, mainly due to revenue from hall and committee room hire almost doubling and despite the increased electricity costs. Jumble sales were a little down this year compared to last year but donations increased. The hall was closed from mid-March and on 31/03/20 we were owed £508 for room hire, of which £244 has now been received. I am confident we will receive most, if not all of the outstanding monies in due course. Separate from the above debtors, the long term regular hirers for classes (TKD, Spinners, Yoga, Pilates and Boxing) finished their terms early, have been invoiced and have all made payments which will come into next year’s accounts.”
April updated the meeting. Since circulating the report, additional monies owed had been received and to date, £98 remained outstanding.
Adoption of Accounts: The accounts were adopted (proposed K. Dalton-Aram, seconded C. Ronan).
Election of Village Reps:
April took over as Vice Chair: Village reps were proposed as follows:
Rousdon: A. Dicks – proposed K. Dalton-Aram, seconded C. Ronan
Combpyne: A. Moore – proposed C. Ronan, seconded K. Dalton-Aram
Unanimously agreed.
AOB: There being no further business, the meeting ended at 7.17pm