Welcome & Apologies: The meeting did not commence until 8.02pm as very few had actually read the Agenda and thought the meeting was at 8pm! The Chair welcomed everyone to the 49th AGM and thanked them for attending.
Apologies received from: S. Stride, K. Wallis, J. Parsons, K. Dalton-Aram.
Minutes: The minutes of the 48th AGM had been circulated prior to the meeting. They were agreed and were signed as being correct.
Matters Arising: There were no matters arising.
Chair’s Report: “I’ve not much to report, but I would like to thank April for managing the day to day running of the hall, moving chairs, turning heating on and off and generally ensuring that everything is in place for the next hirer. It is time consuming and sometimes requires 3 or 4 visits to the hall in one 24 hour period. It is greatly appreciated.”
Secretary’s Report: “I have nothing specific to report but I would like to once again put on record my grateful thanks for all the work done behind the scenes with special thanks to Sylvia for cutting the grass – it is much appreciated and I wholeheartedly echo Audrey’s comments about the day to day management undertaken by April.”
Treasurer’s Report: The report had been previously circulated, as follows:“I am pleased to present the accounts for the year ending 31st March 2022. These accounts have been examined by Robert Astin. Ignoring the pandemic grants (£10,667) and despite Covid restrictions for part of the year, we made a modest gain of £1,172 in this financial year. We closed the year with £55,495.21p in the two bank accounts.
Hall hire for classes etc is now back to pre-pandemic levels and the Social Club is fully open again.
Looking forward, we have the 5-year electrical inspection in 2022 which I would expect to cost £1,000 – £1,200.”
April added: “At the close of these accounts we were owed £440. Of this, we have now received £188, leaving £58 (V.E.R.A. 2019), £40 (2020) and £84 and £70 (D.S., a hall hirer). There is no hope of recovering the £40 from 2020 so I feel that we should write this off. We may need to do the same with the two invoices for the hall hirer but I will persevere – person concerned is apparently abroad at the moment.
Our most recent bank statements (June ’22) give a total of £56,959.32 but British Gas did not bill us for four months and will now be taking out over £600 for the arrears.
Also worth noting is that most of our income from hall hire is from non-parish residents and from a small number of regulars – five people! Less than £200 is from village organisations or parish resident hire.”
Adoption of Accounts: The accounts were adopted (proposed: J. Tollafield, seconded: C. Ronan).
Election of Village Reps:
Martin took over as Vice Chair: Village reps were proposed as follows:
Rousdon: A. Dicks – proposed M. Hansell; seconded J.Tollafield
Combpyne: A. Moore – proposed C. Ronan, seconded J. Tollafield
Unanimously agreed
AOB: There was no other business. There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.14pm