Present: A. Dicks, A. Moore, J. Tollafield, M. Hansell, M. Down, C. Ronan, K. Salter
Welcome & Apologies: The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee meeting and thanked them for attending. Apologies received from S. Stride, K. Wallis K. Dalton-Aram J. Parsons
Election of Representatives: The Chair (Audrey), the treasurer (April) and the Secretary (Mary) were all elected en bloc.
The Wednesday Group and V.E.R.A were no longer in existence. A brief discussion ensued as to the re-allocation of the Trustees. The Governing Document gives Trustees the authority to change the composition of the Committee. To maintain the level of Trustees, it was proposed that Rousdon Estate has a representative. Audrey proposed Jill, Clair seconded. Unanimously carried.
It was not known whether Kate was wishing to remain a Trustee, but in a different capacity. Mary will write to her to ascertain her intentions.
Action: Mary
The Clause 5 Rules of Management were then signed by all of those present.
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2022 had been previously circulated. These were agreed as being correct and signed.
Matters Arising:
(1) Email details re hall events – outstanding
Action: Sylvia
(2)(i) Governing Document – updating of:
(2)(ii) Garage/storeroom clearance – A great many items had been removed from the garage. V.E.R.A. had previously agreed to contribute to the new shelving system: the funds are still there to do this. The new shelving (BIG DUG or something similar) can now be ordered and installed.
Action: April/Audrey
2(iii) Tower repairs: This is in hand and will be undertaken by Tony and Steve – the latter is checking paperwork regarding his qualified status to use a cherry picker. Tony has confirmed that the work will be completed by the end of the summer. As well as maintenance to the tower he will clear vegetation from both chimneys; replace broken/lost roof tiles and clear out detritus from the guttering.
Action: April
2(iv)(a) New Heating System: discussed under item 8.
2(iv)(c) New garage doors A new quote will be sought as the first one is now well out of date and the work will then be carried out.
Action: Audrey
3(a) Website improvements: still ongoing
Action: April/Clair
3(b) Detritus in front garden area: Much of this has been moved out onto the path by the front of the hall. Some repairs had been undertaken to the fence on behalf of the owner and with her consent. This is an ongoing programme.
Action: April
3 (c) Darts stands needed: In hand
Action: Martin
Correspondence Received: No correspondence received, other than that relating to heating systems, discussed separately, below.
Secretary’s Report: Nothing further to report.
Treasurer’s Report: As per the AGM
Decision as to which heating system to be installed: April began by summarising the different methods of heating under consideration:
(i) April and Mary had visited Whitford village hall where 3kw, wall mounted fan heaters had been installed fairly recently. A demonstration showed that whilst being very effective and heating the hall quickly, they were, in fact quite noisy. Given that many of the groups hiring our hall and committee room require a peaceful setting (e.g. Pilates, yoga, spinners), it was considered that this method of heating was unsuitable.
(ii) Air Source Heat Pumps (A.S.H.P.): Kate had sent in a written report on research she had undertaken: “I have spoken with 2 different suppliers for ASHP (Air Source Heat Pump) and both say that it is likely to be cost prohibitive – especially compared to the very affordable quote you attached from Fortress. Yes, the ASHP would be cost neutral in the long run but initial set up would be £20k to install along with the wet radiator system that would be needed and the associated plumbing work required. The ASHP would also need Listed Building Consent – which we would likely get but just adds an additional burden to the whole process.”
(iii) Infra-red heaters: Quotes had been received from two companies, Fortress (£9,470.62 incl VAT) and ARC (£14,607.97 incl VAT). The quote from Fortress was for the installation of panel heaters in the social club and skittle alley, rather than infra-red heaters, the down side of this being that they would still need to be turned on/off manually. The infra-red heaters can be activated via an app so can be turned on/off remotely. The ARC quote was for 5 heaters in the skittle alley whereas in practice, it will probably only need 4 heaters. Martín suggested that perhaps a heater could be installed in the corridor by the toilets, as this is always a cold area.
Mary has been in contact with the treasurer of Berrynarbor village hall in north Devon, who have had infra red heaters installed by ARC. A summary of the conversation was as follows:
- Infra red works very well
- The hall used to be heated by gas heaters that created damp problems
- The old heating system was not adequate
- The hall is listed and has stone mullion windows
- Infra red provides an effective, dry heat at ground level
- It has stopped damp problems
- The ceiling in Berrynarbor hall is not currently insulated – it is in the pipeline to be done
- The electric had to be upgraded to 3 phase
- Remote control is essential
- It was installed in 2019
- Mr Hamilton thinks it is expensive to run
- Mr Hamilton has no reservations about the system but be aware of the cost of running it
- Berrynarbor has 8 units in the hall. In winter months it can cost between £300 – £500 per month to run. That is on their old tariff. Their fixed rate is about to expire and they have been quoted 39p per kw hour on new tariff and it is estimated heating costs will be about £6k per annum
- As an example of running times, for a group using the hall at 8.30am, the heating will be set to come on between 6am – 7am, room temperature should be to 18 degrees by the time the group starts.
- Temperature usually set at about 18.5 degrees, but at 20 – 21degrees for more sedentary groups (have similar groups using it as Peek Hall)
- Hall size is quite big – could fit 6 table tennis tables in side by side as a rough estimate
- It is important to work out how to get the best out of it – Smart meter good to have so that the system can be fine-tuned
- The hall is run on very similar lines as our hall and with similar groups i.e. yoga, art, pilates and even spinners!
- No criticism of the company Arc
Kate, in her email, said that she was happy to vote in favour of the system proposed by Fortress. Jan, in an email, said “I have read all the literature you sent and all seems fine. Regarding the heating quotes. I am not an expert (like some) on knowing the best system. I have never visited a village hall with either of these methods. If I need to vote for one I will go for Fortresss (SW) Ltd. They are a local company and if we experienced any problems they would be easier to deal with.”
There followed a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons of Fortress and ARC, especially the cost of running both systems. Clair suggested that, in the future, we may need to consider putting insulation under the floor boards.
The Chair then asked those present to vote: Arc Heating – 6 in favour; Fortress – 2 in favour (Kate and Jan). Audrey, as Chair, abstained.
Health & Safety and Fire Risk Review: Audrey and Mary had recently undertaken this review. The following issues had been highlighted:
(a) The absence of a gate or offset railings between the front lawn and the pavement. Audrey said that this had been raised at a Parish Council meeting. Sylvia has had a small iron gate made by Axminster Ironworks, for her garden, she will be asked for the cost.
(b) At the far end of the car park the tarmac is worn. This is a Parish Council responsibility.
(c) Front door step, yellow hazard tape needs replacing.
(d) Urn in kitchen requires chain to secure it. This has been highlighted previously but purchase of a new, instant, urn is under consideration.
(e) A handrail should be installed by the steps to the gents and the ladies toilets.
(f) The warning paint by the back gate has worn away and needs repainting.
(g) The flagstones by the back entrance gate are cracked, worn and slippery – should these be replaced by concrete for safety. Tony to be consulted.
Action: April
The electrician, when carrying out the 5 year inspection, had queried the absence of a smoke alarm. A central station alarm will be extremely costly. April will ask the Fire Brigade for advice.
Action: April
A.O.B.: (i) April raised the issue of storage. She said that the new heating system will remove the necessity to attend the hall, sometimes several times a day, but she highlighted the fact that there was still a need to move chairs from room to room to facilitate classes. April proposed that a cupboard be installed along the back wall of the main hall which would hold 40 chairs, yoga and Pilates mats and other items of equipment. April had spoken to all users of the hall, and they were all happy to manage chair movements to facilitate their class. There was unanimous agreement that a cupboard should be installed.
Action: April
(ii) April said that the spinners had approached her and asked for a storage cupboard. After some discussion, it was proposed that the spinners be offered the use of one of the toilets situated inside the main entrance. If this is acceptable to the spinners, April will ask Tony the builder, for a quote to either box in or remove the toilet.
Action: April
(iii) The space above the disabled toilet is used for storage but is unsightly. It was agreed that Tony will be asked to make cupboard doors, to be set back behind the loft hatch, to conceal the storage area.
Action: April
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.