Committee Meeting: Wednesday 23 March 2022

Present:   A. Dicks, A. Moore, J. Tollafield, K. Dalton-Aram, M. Hansell, M. Down, J. Parsons

Welcome & Apologies: C. Ronan, S. Stride, K. Wallis

The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee meeting and thanked them for attending.

Minutes:   The minutes of the meeting held on 23 July 2021 had been previously circulated. They were agreed as being correct and signed.

Matters Arising: 

(1) Website progress: There was unanimous agreement that the new website was excellent and formal thanks for Clair’s work was noted. The previous website has been removed.

(2) Email details re hall events – outstanding
Action: Sylvia

(3)(i) Governing Document – updating of:

(3)(ii) Garage/storeroom clearance – A great many items had been removed from the garage and it was now at a stage when the new shelving could be ordered and installed.
Action: April/Audrey/Kate

(4)(i) Chain across car park entrance & signage: the anticipated problem with unlawful parking had not materialised, however, if it does become a problem the chain will be purchased and installed. As the Committee has already agreed to this course of action no further Committee agreement need be sought.

(4)(ii) Tower repairs:  Tony has been very busy and together with poor weather and non-availability of the cherry picker, there has been endless delays. The work will be completed by the end of summer 2022.
Action: April

(4)(iii) Parish Maps: They are ready to hang and their position in the hall was agreed.

(4)(iv)(a) New Heating System: Kate has had consultations with Evergreen, a renewable heat source company, in respect of air source heat pumps. She has been advised that an air source heat pump would reduce running costs by two thirds. Grants are available and Evergreen may be able to assist with a grant application. Such a system will require the replacement of the oil heating system with wet source heating, i.e. standard radiators. Because the building is listed, planning permission will also need to be sought. It was noted that noise may be a factor. Kate will arrange for a quotation from Evergreen.
Action: Kate

Mary and April informed the meeting that they have visited Uplyme Scout Hall, a building where Fortress electrical have installed infra-red heating. They have met with a user of the hall who spoke very favourably of the system. A representative of Fortress has attended Peek hall and taken measurements for a quote. For heating to be supplied and fitted to the hall, committee room, bar and skittle alley the cost will be £7,892 plus VAT. It was noted that the quote is for infra red heaters in the hall and committee room but for panel heaters in the bar and skittle alley.     

A quote has also been obtained from Arc Thermal Products who specialise in village hall heating. Their quote is for infra red to be installed in all four areas and includes supply and installation. Their cost is £12,173 plus VAT. On their website, Arc refer to work they have carried out at Berrynarbor Village Hall, near Ilfracombe, a building of seemingly similar age and design. Mary has emailed the representatives for an opinion on the company and the nature of the heat source but has received no reply.

Mary will email all the details of both quotes to the Committee to assist further deliberation at the next meeting.     
Action: Mary

Information has also been received of a favourable heating system at Whitford village hall. April has made enquiries but it seems that 6 x 3kw convector heaters are used, a seemingly expensive option. Mary and April will visit Whitford on 25 March to find out more.
Action: April/Mary

April also raised the matter of the false ceiling in the hall and asked the question “is now the time to remove it?”

April also asked for it to be noted that the electricity is under contract until the end of 2023.

(4)(iv)(b) New garage doors Audrey has obtained a quote for new wooden barn doors to be fitted plus a rubber skirt, cost: £520. However, this was last November and given the increase in raw materials over the last few months she will go back to the supplier for an updated quote.
Action: Audrey

Correspondence Received:  No correspondence received, other than the heating quotes already discussed.  

Secretary’s Report: Nothing further to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  April reported that there is currently £56,347 in the bank, due to the many grants obtained during lockdown.

The hall is being used every week day but less frequently at weekends. There are several Caravan Rallies booked in the near future. Some groups have stopped using the hall but new groups have begun so there is a steady user rate.

There are monies outstanding but it is anticipated that these debts will be settled by the weekend.

The insurance is due at the end of the month – the renewal fee is £170 less than the previous year. It was noted that the sum insured for rebuilding has increased by 10% – a brief discussion ensued as to whether this is sufficient cover. The uniqueness of the building makes it very difficult to assess likely costs. It was agreed to accept the renewal as it stands.

A.O.B.: (a) Website improvements: Clair has asked for any suggestions for improving the website. There are some administrative things that can be added such as the Hirer’s Agreement. April will liaise with Clair.
Action: April

(b) Wi-Fi: April has made enquiries about having wi-fi installed. After a brief discussion it was agreed that it would be beneficial to all users. Both EE and BT will supply it. BT will charge £48 per month and EE will charge £22.50 per month plus a £50 connection fee for a two year contract. The Social Club will be asked if they wish to make use of it and contribute 50% towards the cost.

(c) Detritus in front garden area Sylvia has asked that the matter of the detritus belonging to the adjoining property that litters the front garden area be discussed as it makes mowing the grass very difficult. Mary said that the various garden pots that adorn the front wall are a health and safety issue as they could easily be pushed over and there is also a possibility of damage being caused to the neighbour’s property. April will raise the matter with the property owner.
Action: April

Jan asked if there will be any jumble sales this year. April advised that because of the healthy bank balance there will be no need to hold any this year.

Martin asked if the dart stands were still in the garage. April confirmed that they are still stored. Martin will enquire as to whether they are still needed.
Action: Martin

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.50pm.